Tinas Little Corner

6 April 2010

Subject to distance

Lighting 102: 1.2-Position/Distance.

To demonstrate the effect of bare flash with regards the distance to subject marked on photos. The subject at a constant 3ft from wall.

ISO, Shutter speed and flash output was constant.

The only variable was the aperture which was stopped down between photos.

This is to do with Inverse square law which not only is way over my head with the numeric aspect but also the language.

Where is Lisa when I need her.

I gather it is to do with ratios between the relativity of subject to wall and subject to flash.

I kind of get it.

The positive being I achieved the results expected and I will continue with this exercise

You should see the background changing from light in the first photo, to slightly darker in the middle then darker again on the final photo.



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