Tinas Little Corner

17 April 2009


Square foot garden
Square foot garden

Reminder to self ask Chris to assemble the second square foot frame you can see in the front of this Photo.

The brocoli back left is coming on great as is the beetroot front left. I cannot remember what I planted at the front next to the beetroot which I have pricked out and spaced far too closely and too many if it is lettuce I will have to keep watching and get rid of some. Next to the unknown at the front is 3 x variety of radish.

Square foot garden
Square foot garden

Front right you can just see the spring onions coming through. I have all ready sewn another few rows in between the ones coming through. Maybe this is overdoing it a bit and they will need more room we shall see.

Coming along nicely along the back of all squares are the beans.

Click on photo link to see earlier posts on square foot garden and click on photo to enlarge.



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