Tinas Little Corner

26 July 2009

Present to myself.

A photo of my new (secondhand) Canon EOS 400D camera.

The above photo was quickly taken using my Canon powershot A400.

Over the last couple of days I have been reading about shutter speed, depth of field and aperture.

At first I felt like crying I didn't understand a word of it.

The thoughts that were going through my head, were, have I done the wrong thing? why did I feel like I wanted a new camera? and have I wasted money.

My other camera was fine apart from the fact I dropped it on the floor leaving the battery cover slightly bent.

I joined the canon users forum where I can read till my hearts content.

I managed to read a couple of articles which have given me hope. I saved a few posts from there, those relevant to a total novice (me) I printed them off and have been reading and re-reading hoping it would sink in.

For me, shutter speed made the most sense. This will be my starting point, although in practise it could be a whole different ball game.

Obviously I will also be using automatic mode. I just love the feel and sound of this camera.

I am too stubborn to give up at the first hurdle and I love trying new things and this time next year I will hopefully understand and be using the above things that at this moment make me wanna cry.

Chris made me laugh he is tactless.

I had told him I had brought a note pad and pen specifically to write notes on how to use the manual mode of the camera.

Having had a day or two where I was overwhelmed and disheartened. Chris obviously having seen the pad laying where I left it, said to me. '' Tina you haven't written anything in your note pad''

It gave me the kick up the backside I needed. I know exactly what he is thinking, ''she'll never get the hang of that, what a waste of money''

''I'll show him''



  • Theresa

    Sorry I deleteded your comment by accident. I am assuming you posted it on this post.

    By Blogger Tina, At 6/9/09  

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