Tinas Little Corner

26 November 2009


Today I received my tripod which I ordered online I went for a Bentro travel angel tripod made of carbon fibre.

Its an early Christmas present.


  • Tina
    Digby donsnt looks very happy in the frame haaaaaaaaaa He looked so sad oooooo naughty mummy but the phots are looking profinal my love keep it it up
    Love you all

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 30/11/09  

  • He had 12 stitches Theresa. Poor thing had swallowed a stone and was lucky it did not perforate his bowel he kept vomiting and I knew he was not himself and on Saturday he had operation to remove it so he is laid up now taking his tablets. He has stitches out in 10 days

    By Blogger Tina, At 2/12/09  

  • Tina!
    I just read the note, How did Digby do that swallow a stone!(A sotne or a bone) Im Amaized) thats a thing Shifra would do but not you brautiful Digby. I hope he will get better soon. I called Carina to say Happy Birthday She was happey she went to have dinner pasta place near her.
    well the phots looking great
    Love u XXXXXX for digby too XXXXXXXXXXXXXX

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 3/12/09  

  • Hi Theresa
    I dont know how he did it. The poor boy is not going to want to go out with me anymore. He fell over the sea wall at St. Catherines the week before. Anyway I will let you know how he gets on. He gets stitches out next week

    By Blogger Tina, At 4/12/09  

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