Tinas Little Corner

22 June 2010

Patio Peach and Cherry tree

Today I made time to take a few photos of my dwarf container trees.

I am amazed I remembered how to use my camera as I have been busy painting and decorating.

I wanted to update blog and show photos of these little trees. I'm pleased with both as last year the cherry tree only produced 1 single cherry.

The peach tree looked dismal last year and I did not imagine it would survive the winter let alone produce any fruit. I have just ran out and counted and I have 6 small fruit on the peach tree so I am keeping fingers crossed that the birds leave them alone and I at least get one to taste!

I have not fed the trees at all this year but Lisa has made a nettle insectiside/fertiliser by collecting stinging nettles from her garden and placing in container of water. The stuff stinks but I have read good reports on it.

On Saturday I will take a bottle and give the trees a treat and save myself a few pound on the miracle grow.

Patio peach tree patio peach tree
Container peach tree:
Dwarf peach tree:
patio pech tree container peach tree
Peach and Cherry tree

container cherry tree container cherry tree
Click on tags to see earlier posting on dwarf fruit trees.

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