Tinas Little Corner

7 August 2008



Oh i was gutted!

No longer than 1'' and only 1 carrot on each plant.
I was hoping for, at least a few if not a bunch on each plant.

Where did I go wrong ? not sure if they were lifted too early or if the ground was too hard and not dug over, enough.
When I sewed them in the garden I quickly dug the ground in my rush to put the seed in.

I think this, was a short cut too far.

I know parsips will be the same failure as they were planted in the same manner. Cant bare to look yet, I am hoping for a miracle and will leave as long as poss.

Not ready to take two failures in one day.

The parsnips were planted in the same hap - hazzard way. I was a bit like a bull in a china shop, packet of seeds in one hand with a bit of free ground underfoot and bingo bad combination.

Memo to self.
Tina, do your homework and prepare the ground and know what your doing.

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