Tinas Little Corner

17 April 2009


Container carrots

Re using compost. We tipped an old plant into the pink bucket then turned the loose compost onto the dustbin lid. I was tasked with sieving the compost into the pot. Clodagh found a weed that slipped through .

Container carrots

Behind Clodagh is a frame we had both made Saturday evening she slept over which will be used to support cucumbers. This is now green, we dyed it after mixing blue and yellow food dye (shop had no green food colouring) the idea for frame and dying was picked up from another blog, unfortunately I did not save the link but will add if I find. What a messy job I had no paint brush so we used an old kitchen sponge and not being paint our hands were a mess.

Container carrots

Once Clodagh left I cheated, my back was killing from bending over and I tipped it all out and placed some drainage stones then multipurpose compost a third of the way up the pot.

The laborious sifted soil was then placed on top.

Container garden
Container carrots

Here she is mixing sand in to help with drainage for the carrots.

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