Tinas Little Corner

25 June 2009

My first time growing tomatoes

Container tomatoes
Container tomatoes

In the above container the variety is suncherry tomato. I may have been a bit ambitious by placing five plants in this large container.

I lost one plant totally with wind damage and one is a lot smaller than the other three possibly due to overcrowding

There are baby fruits just starting on the plants in the above container.

Seperate variety below.

Container tomatoes Container tomatoes
Container tomatoes

(left photo) This plant has been potted individually and is one of the three pots in the far right corner against the wall.

The (second photo) furthest three pots against the wall on the far right of the picture are tomatoes I only wish I could remember which variety as I have planted a few different types and thought I was on top of ''which were which''

In one of those pots I have two tomatoes and the others just the one in each pot.

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