Tinas Little Corner

6 December 2009

Ahhhhhhh How sweet.


Happy Christmas.

Aunty Tina and Uncle Chris babysat Clodagh Saturday evening.

A perfect opportunity to try out my latest project.

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  • These pictures of Clodagh are really lovely your camera does a great job
    And she had a lovely time at your house


    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 7/12/09  

  • Ha ha ha Thanks Carina

    By Blogger Tina, At 7/12/09  

  • Hi sis the photo of Clodagh is beautiful my goodness you can see that she is from the side she looks like carina a and you Beautiful
    Love you all
    oh Im back from the north now Theresa

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 13/12/09  

  • Hi Theresa Nice aren't they. Did you see the ones in Oct 2009 near the bottom.

    By Blogger Tina, At 13/12/09  

  • These photos of Clodagh are lovely, she's beautiful. Carina & Martin could use these for Christmas cards to family and friends.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 21/12/09  

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