Tinas Little Corner

24 July 2010

Vallee Des Vaux woods

digby 2
forked tree forked tree 2

Graffiti in the tree

tree trunk digby

Vallee Des Vaux
Vallee Des Vaux

Photos taken one day last week. Its weird sometimes I can't be bothered to go, yet when I get there I love it.

This day, it started to thunder and rain as we were about to leave. Usually, I call Digby to the car then he looks at me, as if to say can we go round once more. The minute he heard the crack of thunder he was in sheer panic and was in the car quicker than a bullet.

The rain came down sudden and heavy I tried to shelter under the trees and protect my camera under my t.shirt. I had no bag on me. All I kept thinking was if Chris could see me now he would be going nuts, telling me how unorganized I am don't I realise how expensive things are, thats not a cheap camera you know. I should have had a bag blah blah blah blah blah.

Then annoying thing is, He is so bloody right.



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