Tinas Little Corner

2 July 2010

Photos from the garden

Pink strawberry flower wild strawberry
Pink flowering wild strawberry.
click on f1 florian hybrid tab to see earlier post.

fly on daisy fly
Fly on cape daisy / Fly on camelia leaf
Chive flower

The above photos were taken using a close up conversion lens which I recently purchased. I had wanted to buy a 100m Macro but it was too expensive for my current level.

For my current needs the close conversion seemed adequate.

It has an adaptor that fits on my 50mm 1.8 lens with the close up lens attached to the adaptor.

I should of used a tripod as recommended. It was windy and I was impatient to try it out. I did figure out that it was easier using the manual focus.

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  • Impressive... when you click on photo to enlarge it you can actually see the segments of the flys wing and the tiny hairs on its back! Although a prettier subject may have had more of an ahhhh effect, such as a butterfly :-)LOL

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 6/7/10  

  • I will keep trying. Unfortunately the butterflies dont hang around for me to get the lens on. I will keep trying. :)

    By Blogger Tina, At 6/7/10  

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