Tinas Little Corner

4 November 2008

Patio dwarf fruit trees

Last week I received through the post some fruit trees I had ordered online for Lisa and Paul's last birthdays.

They were not in stock when I ordered them and have just arrived.

Earlier I posted a picture of the dwarf peach tree, this came down separately.

Tomorrow I will post up some photos of the apple, pear and plum

1 x duo apple Cox's Orange Pippin and Golden Delicious
1 x duo pear Conference and ?
1 x duo plum Victoria and ?

They have been planted in John Innes No 2 mainly because that Is what I had available.

They look lovely in the adverts when you buy them and it is a bit of a shock when you first receive bare twigs that is why I am holding on to them for a while before giving them as presents. I so hope they fruit.

At the moment they look like a couple of sticks in flower pots.

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