Tinas Little Corner

17 April 2009

Cucumber garden support trellis

Cucino F1 Hybrid
Container cucumber

Container cucumber.

The challenge begins.

Cucumber support

Cucumber support

I made the support using two lengths of wood purchased at B & Q which I was able to get cut in half, free of charge. (the first four cuts free)

Two hinges, three lengths for the supports which were each cut into three. I need to buy one more to add to the top of each side, if cucumbers reach the top!.

cucumber support

Cucumber trellis

Coloured with food dye I couldnt be bothered to paint and this idea was much quicker. Job to be completed.

I plan to plant soon into this container.

I should of got the smooth wood rather than rough.

In my opinion gardening is not cheap. I am on the hunt for pots and container freebies.

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