Tinas Little Corner

27 September 2010

Irish soda bread

Irish soda bread
Irish soda bread

Today Chris made this bread using his aunty Bredas long used recipe.


24 September 2010

Grosnez gun placement

Grosnez gun placement 2 Grosnez gun placement 5

Grosnez gun placement 3 Grosnez gun placement

Grosnez gun placement 6


Grosnez headland

Grosnez observation tower Grosnez observation tower

Grosnez Grosnez headland

Grosnez headland
Grosnez headland
Today Digby and I walked the path around Gronez.


20 September 2010



This photo was taken in the woods across from Lisa and Daves.

The sun was setting and I wanted to practise with starbursts. I kind of like how this turned out.


18 September 2010

Mum working at Dave and Lisas.

Mum shredding.
Today Mum and I popped down to see Lisa and Dave. Mum had a quick go on Daves shredding machine. We spent a few hours gardening then had tea and cake.

Tea and Lisas home made cake. Niccccccccccce.


11 September 2010

Walk in the woods.

A few photos from our walk today.



Taken today in some woods I have never been before. Down Le Varine and the woods overlook Longueville Manor.
The plus, being Mum is smiling.


8 September 2010



Today I noticed little green leaves on the fruit of my strawberry plant, on closer inspection it appears to be the seeds germinating on the fruit.


5 September 2010

Tasty peach


The only remaining peach that survived on my container peach tree.
It was delicous and juicy. What a shame I only had one to eat.

I am hoping for better luck next year.

Insects in the back garden


Scouting out Sorel point for blackberry picking

Sorel point 2

stairway to heaven
Stairway to heaven

digby sorel gate
Mum and I went to check out Sorel for blackberry picking.
I should of posted this post before my previous.( Never mind)

We arrived and went for a short walk along the headland before Mum took a funny turn and had to take a rest on the bench. so we got as far as going up the steps and maybe 5 mins further along before turning around and going back.

She felt dizzy and turned white as a ghost.

The trip was worth it as we discovered a nice spot and loads of berries to take Clodagh to the following week.

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Blackberry picking. Sorel point

Sorel point headland
Sorel point headland.

nanny and clodagh2

Nanny and Clodagh find a good spot.

clodagh blackberry picking1 clodagh blackberry picking2 clodagh blackberry picking3

butterfly in blackberry bush

The previous week only Mum and I went to Sorel and the bushes were full of butterflies. This time there were butterflies but not as many.

digby at sorel Whats up there?


Knitted baby hat

knitted baby hat
knitted baby hat

My adapted hat design based on cardigan pattern below and eyelet hat. I will write pattern when I get a spare moment.

baby hat and cardi baby hat and cardi2
Knitted Baby hat and cardi.

Pattern used for the cardigan was sirdar 1686

I have not attached flower to cardigan as not sure if I should?
The flower pattern came from you tube. enter in the search box. ''knitted flower pacifier clip.''


Knitted baby hat

knitted baby hat 5
knitted baby hat.

For the above litle hat I used the eyelet baby hat pattern found here. http://www.knittingonthenet.com.patterns/babynewhat.htm

I made an icord to put through the eyelets as originally I used a ribbon but found it kept twisting because the ribbon was too narrow. I wanted mittens so found pattern below and croched a cord to attach to the mittens.

knitted baby hat 9
Knitted baby hat.
Raspberry baby hat and shoes

I am calling this a raspberry as knitted up this wool looks just like a raspberry.
Pattern found here http://randomstitches.wordpress.com/2008/01/11/hello-world/

shoes found here.http://www.flickr.com/photos/19337958@NO2/3189043964/
