Tinas Little Corner

16 January 2012

Tree of Life small blanket

This is a blanket I started whilst I waited for the wool to arrive for the Great American Aran Afghan.
If I was to do this again I think I would leave out the middle section as I dont like how you get the pulls in the wool when doing the leaves, at the base of the flower stem, in the middle section of the blanket.

I have looked at others who made this blanket and it seems unavoidable.

I would like to make a blanket with  four trees across the width of  the blanket and perhaps add trees from one of the blocks in the American Afghan with apples on, then  repeat four times above  intertwining trees as shown above. Repeat until I have a full size blanket.

Something for me to think about doing at a later date. (maybe)

Symbolically the trees could represent new life birth of child, marriage of two people (the two  trees growing together) Something about that appealed to me and the fact I like trees. (weird, I know, hence I knit the blanket.



  • can't believe dad lost this! i'm gonna buy you some more wool! xxx

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 1/5/13  

  • HI Tina, I am going to change the leaves based on your comments. Just a regular diagonal knit showing against the purl background. Yes the leaves will look different, but I will play with it a bit to see what looks best. I must be the pro at looking at patterns with a mind to how I can change them to suit what is in my head. Mixed results on that over the years. Will let you know how it looks as soon as I get there. I am a very experienced knitter, but even this pattern is a challenge, which I am certainly ready for!

    By Anonymous Linda, At 17/8/14  

  • Hi Linda thanks for leaving the comment. Would love to see your blanket when you have finished it. One day I will get around to making another one.

    By Blogger Tina, At 6/11/14  

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