Tinas Little Corner

2 June 2009

Tiny vegetable patch update.

Tiny vegetable patch Tiny vegetable patch

Tiny vegetable patch Tiny vegetable patch

Tiny vegetable patch

The onions seem to have been in for ages. I'm waiting for the stems to turn yellow. Click on photos to see clearer the mixed variety lettuce I have grown which turned out better than expected. It looks as good as in the supermarket only this is so much better.

Tiny vegetable patch Tiny vegetable patch

Tiny vegetable patch Tiny vegetable patch

Tiny vegetable patch

Perpetual spinach which I have not tasted, yet. I did try the kale, sauteed and was pleasantly surprised and will definitely be eating and growing again. It's quick to cook if you saute, tastes great and has to be good for you.

You may also make out the four sweet corn growing at the back right of the photo. I have Lisbon Spring onions which are in the separate photo with different varieties growing in containers.

The red and yellow onions are finally looking more like a regular onion rather than leeks.

I didn't think they were going to bulb out it seemed like they were getting thicker and fatter.

Today I pulled the beetroot and although smaller than I was initially expecting looking at pics on the Internet I realise they are fine.

Tomorrow I will make a beetroot and orange chutney. I need to buy two oranges and ONION (I could of planned this to use my own onions.) and some red wine vinegar.

I believe beetroot is good for cleansing the liver.

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