Cape daisyThe above photos show the results of practice I've given to taking photos using a large aperture, (small f/number)
I aim to achieve a narrow depth of field with a blurry background.
Disregard my background scene of, garden fence, concrete pillar, plastic red trug and a garden trellis, the ''effect'' is where I am concentrating at this stage. I am happy that I am on the way to achieving this end.
If I was to critique myself on the above photos and please any comments can be submitted.
This is where I would start.
1. Aim to get more of a consistent background subject either green shrubbery grass etc.
2. Try and get slightly more distance between background and subject in focus.
3. Make sure subject in focus ''is in focus''
4. Don't take photos in bright sunlight
I deleted plenty photos before I was able to achieve the results in the two photos above, due to me picking or placing the focal subject too close to the background.
My main reason for wanting to be able to understand and use the narrow depth of field with a creamy (blurry) background hopefully is that it is a nice way to isolate a subject and allow the subject or focal point to stand out. Nice for portraits also.
I find it confusing when reading and trying to understand, alien (to me) terminology used. The numerical side of speed, aperture ISO and relevance of f/number. Then remembering and understanding how to put this all into practise.
I do have a knack of over complicating the simplest of tasks. I am not saying this is a simple subject but I am sure the bits I am struggling with could be ''simple'' to some.
I need to work on achieving one aspect at a time. This is meant to be fun.
I have to say, I do enjoy it when I get it.
Labels: Tinas photos