Tinas Little Corner

31 October 2009

Wild seedling plant

Wild seedling plant.

I like the background effect in the above photo and will continue to practise with this type of effect until its not luck but choice. I also need to consider and try to achieve a pleasing composition. The above was choice.


30 October 2009

St. Ouens Bay

Digbys walk

Digby playing on St. Ouen beach.

St. Ouens Bay
St. Ouens Bay.


28 October 2009

Autumn colours

Photo taken from half way around Queens valley reservoir with this scenery to look down on.

Queens Valley reservoir.
I haven't seen the reservoir this low before.

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Woodland mushrooms

wild mushrooms Wild mushrooms Wild mushrooms
Wild mushrooms
Wild mushrooms

On Digbys walk around some woods not 5 mins from where I live, I spotted these mushrooms,
Usually when walking Digby I have been pretty oblivious to the flora or fauna.

I think having the camera I was looking for things of interest to photograph, I wonder why I never notice this before? I suppose if you dont actively seek out something then you wont find it.


19 October 2009

Rock chick

Chris and I babysat Saturday and I love the t.shirt so quickly took a couple of pics.


I know, I know I really need to find a new subject to practise on.
This is mainly to test resizing. This is reduced to 25%

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