Sunrise Once again I went out early in the morning to practise taking some Sunrise photos. It was windy, cold and dark. I was struggling to keep my hands steady.
This slipway, in the first photo was directly off the main road. Digby jumped down to the right hand side of the slip onto the beach and was then trapped with the tide coming up the slipway.
Okay, He could of got back on the slip by going in the water but he just looked at me as if to say what do I do.
Luckily a man pulled in with his car. I think he was birdwatching he had binoculars, anyway he pointed me to some steps further along that I was able to walk too and call Digby. Whilst this was going on I was concerned about missing the sunrise.
Back to the photos. The problems I seem to be facing, are, when I get home and look at the photos I find Ive been tending to under expose the majority although I am aware of this whilst taking the photos so I have been increasing the ISO.
The two lenses I have are the 18-55 Image stabilizer f/3.5 - f/5.6. I sold the kit lens that came with the camera to buy the IS version. I also have the nifty fifty 50mm f/1.8 11
I don't mind under exposing slightly as it give me a dramatic sky but I dont want them too dark.
The photos were taken just before reaching Anne port beach after leaving St. Catherines.
I think you can see the under exposure in the above 2nd and 3rd photo. I posted the 3rd to show how a wider angle lens would of enabled me to include the tower with the sky that was shown in photo 2.
The two photos below; were taken from above Archirondel. The Sunrise was now more or less fully risen.
Technically I am not sure how these look. I did try and straighten a couple of horizons in Picassa, other than that they are straight out of the camera.
These are my best two from the morning.
Labels: Archirondel, Sunrise, Tinas photos