Tinas Little Corner

21 October 2008

Dwarf peach tree.

Dwarf peach tree Dwarf peach tree
Dwarf peach tree

The peach tree I ordered through the post arrived. This is late birthday present for Paul.

I have tried reading up about peach trees and I am more than a little confused.

I am not sure if this is what is known as a whip.

I have read some advice saying to cut to 24 - 30'' on receipt of tree?

If I look down the stem of the tree, it appears buds have been removed. My problem is, if I cut this to the reccommended 24-30'' will I get new buds on the stem to form the frame.

I think I will leave it and see how the top branches do. I need to get this through the winter without killing it totally.

The top does not look too healthy. It looks dead.

If anyone happens upon this post and can advise me, I would appreciate it.

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Tri colour chilli

tri colour chilli

Tri colour chilli above not long after buying the plant which I re-potted immediately.

The photos below show the plant now. I need to find out if I dry these out, or how to save them.

They look pretty!.

I will have to get Chris or Lisa to cook something nice, using these chillis.

I presume when they turn red I can use them ?

tri colour chilli Tri colour chilli

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Brown turkey fig tree

Brown turkey fig tree

Container fig tree

Here is the update on the Brown turkey fig tree that I purchased in August.

If you click on the photo link underneath the photo you will be able to see the fig when I purchased it.

Brown turkey fig tree

Container fig tree

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8 October 2008

Espalier Kiwi

Espalier kiwi
Espalier kiwi Espalier kiwi

The photos show my kiwi with a trellis, I rigged up in the flower pot, using bamboo canes.

I intend to cut the height, all the new green growth level with the horizontal bamboo. Hopefully next spring I will get shoots just below that cut which I will then train to go either side along the horizontal cane which I will tie in.

The main centre stem, that was cut, I am hoping will start a new leader that I can train up to the next horizontal cane which is not added yet but will be. I am thinking about 15'' between the two horizontal canes and then the process is repeated.

The reason I have the kiwi still in the pot, is because A) we could be moving and b) not sure where to site in the garden if we stay. This is new to me and I am posting in the hope that I have understood correctly from the information I have read. The horizontal bamboo was positioned at the height when i placed the pot to the ground and imagined where I would like the first part of the espalier to start.

This very well may not be the correct way. It is my understanding of what I have read please do your own research if wanting to try this.

On saying that I will post picture updates as and when I can for those interested.

In the photo it appears that I have two horizontal bamboo supports, this is not so, it is actually the house the only horizontal support is just below the green leaves on the main stem.

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7 October 2008

Seeds for next spring

I saw these in the garden centre the other day and couldn't help myself.
Jeez I do need a field!

Suttons Cape gooseberry (Little Lantern)
sew Feb to April for Harvest July - Sept.

Posting here will remind me not to forget I have these. I plan to have a few of these in pots.

Thompson Morgan Pepper Meek and Mild (Poblana Chili Type)

The mildest chile, ideal for more delicate tastebuds! The large, shiny, bottle-green fruits are mildly pungent with a tinge of sweetness and ideal for stuffing and roasting. Fully ripe red fruits are ideal for powders and sauces.

Sow March to April for Harvest July to October.

This will give Chris time between now and then to hunt the recipe books.


Red and white onions

red and white onionsYesterday, I planted one row of the white and one row of the red onions in the vegetable patch. I am hoping for more success than I had with the carrots.

On reading up, on the internet, I gather onions like a free draining soil and I have a heavy clay. I will post
Red and white onions

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Blackberry and apple pie

Blackberry and apple pie
apple and blackberry pie

Digby and I went to Plemont Point on Saturday. I managed to pick a small amount of blackberries. It was a shame, as it was windy and was just starting to rain. I Could of spent more time there collecting blackberries. Unfortunately they were sparse in the area I parked the car.

I'm on a mission to find, some undiscovered as yet,,,,,,,,,, blackberry den. Once we got back Chris took over and made apple and blackberry pie for sunday lunch. I wanted to take a photograph with the top on the pie but at that stage we were having words. Meaning I was sticking my nose in. The pie was lovely.

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Mandarin orange plant

mandarin orange plant
Due to the weather, this has now, been moved inside.

I have placed it upstairs in an empty unheated room that has a south facing window, where hopefully it can get the light it requires. It really looks nothing like the plant I purchased, It's lost a lot of leaves and all the small fruit.I am hoping to get it through the winter without any more damage. With a bit of luck it will return and flourish. Hey ho a bit of optimism goes a long way.

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3 October 2008

Lemon plant from seed

lemon seedling plant

If you are interested in trying this yourself, please see my archive for August. The link for August is under my photo. Scroll to the bottom of the page I give instructions and have a good success rate at starting these plants from pit, pip or fresh seed from lemon or citrus fruit.

lemon seedling plant

lemon seedling plant
And more! lemon plants seedlings outside. A couple of these are kumquats and some orange or mandarin I didnt label all at the time so will wait and see.

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