Tinas Little Corner

28 May 2009

Curly Kale

Curly Kale Curly Kale
Curly Kale Curly Kale
Curly kale

I have just picked some of this Curly Kale which I have never tasted.

Mary a friend of mine who's Irish said she would have this, traditionally on Halloween. The Kale would be shredded into mashed potato then gifts would be buried or hidden in the mash.

Well, there is no point growing it, if I am not going to eat it, so tonight is the night. What an exciting life I lead.

Basically reading on the Internet it seems you can saute in butter and oil for 3-4 Min's adding garlic if you wish.

For tea tonight Chris is cooking Our home grown new potatoes, lamb steak, peas and gravy for him and lamb steak potatoes and Curly Kale for me.
I only have four of these Kale plants growing. If I like it I am going to make some potato cakes with kale added and freeze them. Similar to a fish cake.

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25 May 2009

I want to scream.

If I hear ''Del boy'' and ''Rodneys'' voice again (of only fools and horses) fame and ''Basil Fawlty'' of (Fawlty Towers)

Ok I know both comedy genius but their has to be a limit................ night after night Chris watches them.

I dont get it, does he forget he watched it the day before, the whole series. The minute I hear Del Boy I have to leave the room for the night.

Its pi??*ng me off big time.


Redcurrant cuttings

Redcurrant cuttings
Redcurrant cuttings

Cuttings taken from a redcurrant bush Lisa and Paul have in their garden.

I dont know where I will find space to put them. I cant throw them out.

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My garden.......and there is more.....

Continuing with the layout of the garden...

Container gardening

Container gardening
Container veg garden

In the above photo the pots to the back of the picture I have aubergine and two sweet black peppers.

Container gardening
Container veg garden

This is a patio area just out my back door to the left of the steps.

In these pots from the left hand side I have tomatoes and peppers that I had saved the seeds from last year and also a scotch bonnet chilly.


My garden

A few photos to try and show the over all layout of our garden.

Tiny vegetable patch
Container veg garden

A view up the garden path. To the right of the steps is where I have put the mini greenhouse. My square foot garden is just behind the free standing trellis you can see to the far right of this photo.

Tiny vegetable patch
Container veg garden

The View up the lawn. With the Japanese Acer in the middle of the lawn.

tiny vegetable patch
Container veg garden

Looking down the lawn from my patio area. (the bottom of the lawn drops down a level) where I have the dwarf fruit trees and some container flowers and fruit bushes. I am thinking of moving the kiwi down here as I did not consider how quick it would grow and am loath to cut it at the moment. The problem will be how to go about lifting and carrying it without damaging the plant.

Tiny vegetable patch
Tiny vegetable patch

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3 Tier mini greenhouse.

Mini greenhouse
Mini greenhouse

Mini greenhouse
Lemon seedling plants

Mini greenhouse

My friend spotted this for me at a car boot sale and paid £5.00 for it, I was more than happy to pay as the citrus fruit I started from pips and carried indoors for the winter will sit happily in here next winter on the top tier as their is quite a bit of headroom. It also fits nicely in the corner behind the shed.

My only concern is whether it will be sturdy enough or gust over in the wind. Last week answered that question with the winds we had. It stood firm.

I have put some trailing and wild strawberries in here.

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Compost bin

Diy compost bin Diy compost bin
Diy compost bin diy compost bin
Diy compost bin

This project I have done backwards. I filled the bin then attempted to paint with wood preserver obviously I could only paint what I could reach.
I was able to paint the lid inside and out but the four posts will have to be completed when it is empty.
Last week I noticed the heap was getting hot so I read up on the internet and it appears this is good the heat breaks down the pile and causes micro somethings to work I think its microbiosms. (like I know what they are)
What I have to do is wait for the heat to cool down and then turn the outside of the pile to the centre which restarts the process of heating and breaking down the materials used.


Salad hanging basket

Salad hanging basket salad hanging basket
Salad hanging basket

salad hanging basket
Salad hanging basket

In this basket are four trailing tomatoes.

One at the top, one at the bottom and one either side.

Around the tomato in the top of the basket is basil and rocket.
I have to say it looks pitiful I will watch with interest and post updates........


Digby takes a swim.........I almost joined him.

Border Collie Border Collie
Border Collie Border Collie
Sunday Digby and I took a walk at Green Island I half wished I had taken a swim suit it was so warm.

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Container carrots

Container carrots

update on container carrots.

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Container beetroot

Container beetroot
Container beetroot

update on container beetroot.

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Square foot garden

Square foot garden Square foot garden
Square foot garden

Updated photos of square foot garden.

The mange tout are climbing up the fence panel.
We have eaten radish and lettuce but unfortunately the brocoli got battered in the wind in the square foot garden and in the veg patch.
In the brown container to the left is round carrots and in the second brown container are Japanese onions which are long green spring onion type with no bulb which can be cut into short lengths and stir fried or used in salads.
I will not need to resew these just cut the tops and they regrow.

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Dwarf duo variety apple tree

Dwarf duo apple tree Dwarf duo apple tree
Dwarf duo apple tree

One variety of apple on this tree has fruited. No sign yet of the second variety.

Dwarf fruit trees Dwarf fruit trees
Dwarf duo apple tree

The container apple is to the far left of both photos. The right branch is the one with the apples the left branch is the second variety apple which is in bloom but has not yet fruited.

I believe I need to remove some of the apples which should then encourage better fruit in following years. I need to check if this is an ongoing practise or done, whilst establishing the tree.

I am waiting to find out which is the duo plum?and which is the duo pear? of the pictured two trees next to this apple tree.

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23 May 2009

Container fruit trees.

Dwarf sweetcherry piermont
Dwarf cherry tree

The first cherry on my dwarf sweet cherry Piermont

I took this photo about two weeks ago and today, whilst taking the flower photos Chris came home I was like ''look at the first cherry'' I couldn't find it.

I thought the birds had got it. Then I remembered I had moved the tree and I was looking on the wrong side.

I am waffling now but the cherry is still there.

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Plant container

Container garden
Container strawberries

My latest project.

I made Clodagh this little wooden plant pot holder type basket.

I am not too happy with the writing the ''h'' is leaning too far to the right.
I am happy with the ''Clo'' but the ''dag'' is not the right proportion in size to those letters.

I am going to have to repaint it and do it again when I get the urge.

The container strawberries and tomatoes are doing great.

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Espalier Kiwi

Espalier kiwi
Espalier kiwi

When I last posted about this kiwi, I was not sure if these were actual tiny kiwis starting.

Looking closer now, I think that these could be flowers and not fruit? I will post updates.

Espalier kiwi
Espalier kiwi

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Summer time..... and the living is easy.

Tinas little corner Tinas little corner Tinas little corner
Tinas little corner Tinas little corner Tinas little corner
Tinas garden flowers




Digby Digby

Border collie



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Our first attempt at Jersey Royals.

Tiny vegetable patch
Tiny vegetable patch tiny vegetable patch
Tiny vegetable patch

Chris doing his Percy Thrower impression lifting the Jersey Royals with Clodagh

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