Tinas Little Corner

20 April 2009

Alpine strawberry Mignonette

Mignonette alpine strawberries
Alpine strawberry Mignonette

This was my second attempt at these seeds. The first time I tried they reached this stage as in photo but then one day I left them on my kitchen window sill and came back from being out a couple of hours and they had just collapsed from the sun we had that day.

I am keeping my fingers crossed these keep going. I started them in a small container which was covered with a clear plastic bag and placed on my kitchen window sill. I sprayed daily with a hand water sprayer, I was worried I would over soak the seedlings but they did seem to prefer the wetter compost.

I am not to sure whether to put these in pots or in a square foot garden. I suppose it depends if I can get my other half to finish screwing the frame of the second square foot garden.
I think I know the answer.

Pots it is then.

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Container beetroot

Container beetroot Can be sewn directly into pots. I started indoors in a tray.

Container beetroot Beetroot Pronto.

Container beetroot My little helper. Clodagh planted these in a circular fashion two inches apart around the outside of the pot and then another three in the middle. I will leave it a couple of weeks then start another lot to replace these.

Container beetroot I couldn't resist these sweet little plant labels.
Container beetroot

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17 April 2009

Container fruit trees

Container fruit trees
Container dwarf fruit trees

Far left tree cherry the others I am not sure which is which at the moment. the one front right not centre is a peach and the other two are possibly pear apple or plum.

Container garden
Dwarf fruit trees

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2 x mint

1 x french parsley

1 x curly parsley

1 x garlic chives

1 x golden thyme

1 x bayleaf.

1 x cress in the larger pot front left.

Container garden

Container garden

Container herbs

shop purchased herbs which I repotted.

Four cuttings taken from the parsley, chives and mint in the black pots on the steps.

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Cucumber garden support trellis

Cucino F1 Hybrid
Container cucumber

Container cucumber.

The challenge begins.

Cucumber support

Cucumber support

I made the support using two lengths of wood purchased at B & Q which I was able to get cut in half, free of charge. (the first four cuts free)

Two hinges, three lengths for the supports which were each cut into three. I need to buy one more to add to the top of each side, if cucumbers reach the top!.

cucumber support

Cucumber trellis

Coloured with food dye I couldnt be bothered to paint and this idea was much quicker. Job to be completed.

I plan to plant soon into this container.

I should of got the smooth wood rather than rough.

In my opinion gardening is not cheap. I am on the hunt for pots and container freebies.

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Container carrots.

Container carrots Container carrots

Container carrots Container carrots
Container carrots

I hope this attempt is better than my previous try.

Clodagh has great expectations.!
Click on tiny vegetable patch under the photos to see previous carrot attempt.

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Container carrots

Re using compost. We tipped an old plant into the pink bucket then turned the loose compost onto the dustbin lid. I was tasked with sieving the compost into the pot. Clodagh found a weed that slipped through .

Container carrots

Behind Clodagh is a frame we had both made Saturday evening she slept over which will be used to support cucumbers. This is now green, we dyed it after mixing blue and yellow food dye (shop had no green food colouring) the idea for frame and dying was picked up from another blog, unfortunately I did not save the link but will add if I find. What a messy job I had no paint brush so we used an old kitchen sponge and not being paint our hands were a mess.

Container carrots

Once Clodagh left I cheated, my back was killing from bending over and I tipped it all out and placed some drainage stones then multipurpose compost a third of the way up the pot.

The laborious sifted soil was then placed on top.

Container garden
Container carrots

Here she is mixing sand in to help with drainage for the carrots.

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Square foot garden
Square foot garden

Reminder to self ask Chris to assemble the second square foot frame you can see in the front of this Photo.

The brocoli back left is coming on great as is the beetroot front left. I cannot remember what I planted at the front next to the beetroot which I have pricked out and spaced far too closely and too many if it is lettuce I will have to keep watching and get rid of some. Next to the unknown at the front is 3 x variety of radish.

Square foot garden
Square foot garden

Front right you can just see the spring onions coming through. I have all ready sewn another few rows in between the ones coming through. Maybe this is overdoing it a bit and they will need more room we shall see.

Coming along nicely along the back of all squares are the beans.

Click on photo link to see earlier posts on square foot garden and click on photo to enlarge.


7 April 2009

Espalier kiwi

Espalier kiwi
Espalier kiwi
Espalier kiwi

You can see earlier posts on this Kiwi plant by clicking on label at the bottom of this post.

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Container fruit trees

Dwarf fruit trees
Dwarf fruit trees

I am not sure if this is the duo apple, pear or plum? I have noticed one side of the tree has not bloomed at the same pace as the other. I've been trying to turn the tree. Possibly I have thought, as there are two varieties of fruit on each tree, one variety may be a bit slower thereby one side of the tree will develop at a different time.

Dwarf apple pear plum and peach tree
Dwarf fruit trees

The tree to the centre is the Japanese cherry (Non fruiting) which I posted a picture of yesterday.

I have Just had a thought, I should wait to see the fruit before congratulating myself especially judging by the previous and unforgettable, disappointing carrot experience.

To see earlier photos of the fruit trees as they were when I ordered them click the label at the bottom of this post.

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Strawberries Elsanta

Container garden
Container fruit
Container strawberries

Elsanta strawberries which can be picked throughout the summer.
So the label says!

Seed started tomatoes which possibly I have planted out too early. Watch this space.

(Its all a learning curve)

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Square foot garden

Square foot garden
Square foot garden Radish

square foot garden Beetroot

Square foot garden Calabrese

Square foot garden Green bean + Pepper.
Square foot garden


My better half

Square Foot Garden

Square foot garden
Square foot garden

My latest project.

I constructed the wooden frame during the winter and Chris kindly screwed it together. I am waiting for him to finish the second one.

He has promised to do this next week as soon as we return from our trip to southampton.

I'll update as things progress.

Clodagh and I planted from front right to left, spring onion, radish lettuce and beetroot in the four
1 ft squares at the front.

Along the back I have green beans and brocoli in the back left square foot.

fingers crossed we better improve on last years carrots. (See archives Aug 07 2008)

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Spring in the garden

Camellia Camelia

Viola penny white jump up Viola penny white jump up

Cape Daisy Sunny Stephanie Cape daisy sunny stephanie

japanese Cherry prunus incisa 'kojo-no-Mai' Japanese Cherry Prunus incisa 'Kojo-no-Mai'

When i brought the above tree I had no idea how it would turn out as it was half price and bare.
It is so pretty and dainty. If I say so myself, I am impressed with my photography.
Tinas garden flowers

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