Alpine strawberry Mignonette
Alpine strawberry Mignonette
This was my second attempt at these seeds. The first time I tried they reached this stage as in photo but then one day I left them on my kitchen window sill and came back from being out a couple of hours and they had just collapsed from the sun we had that day.
I am keeping my fingers crossed these keep going. I started them in a small container which was covered with a clear plastic bag and placed on my kitchen window sill. I sprayed daily with a hand water sprayer, I was worried I would over soak the seedlings but they did seem to prefer the wetter compost.
I am not to sure whether to put these in pots or in a square foot garden. I suppose it depends if I can get my other half to finish screwing the frame of the second square foot garden.
I think I know the answer.
Pots it is then.